
XYZ Security provides 24/7, top of the line security services to a wide range of industries. Our full range of services to select from, our security guards are fully equipped and trained specially for each and every industry for best security solution.

We offer a custom security plan that is personalized to cover all of your needs. Please do not hesitate to call for a personalized quote at 877-482-7343.

Guardscan Tag & Holder

Guardscan Key Fob Button Tag


Replacement Lithium Battery For GS3000

GS3000 Guardscan Button Tag

GS3000 Guard Scan Grounding Guide Manual


Security training procedures are developed to the highest standard in the security industry. All security officers are subject to this training program independent of their prior experience.

AGP training program is carefully designed to ensure the highest level of quality for optimal customer services. The personnel development manager is responsible for the execution and documentation of all company training activities.

It serves as a guideline for the project manager/account manager to ensure that all assigned officers have received proper training before being assigned to fill a post.

Officer handbook aspects

4 hours

observation & documentation

4 hours

Liability& legal

4 hours

Safety Manuals

4 hours



4 hours

Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence

4 hours

Post orders & assignment

Post orders & assignment

4 hours

Customer Service

Customer Service

4 hours

Public relations

Public relations

4 hours

Access control

Access control

4 hours

Fire life safety

Fire life safety

4 hours

personnel Policies

personnel Policies

4 hours

Security Guard Training

We provide 8 hours of power to arrest class with weapons of mass destruction video and provide in- person classroom training, including the Guard Card